Rotating Equipment, Parts, Engineering and Service


Our focus is specialized/ custom rotating equipment.

We can advice and  supply you with completely new  Atex intallations. We have selected strong partners to supply high quality products in the installations we design.


Complete gearbox service. We can supply standard gearboxes, a selection from standard european brands, where we will re-calculate and completely ensure the fit for purpose. We can also supply custom buildt gearboxes, completely designed according to the specifications of the customers, or reverse engineered to match the exisating gearbox that needs replacement.

Gear Production:

We can reverse engineer all gear parts, no matter what type of gearbox they come from. Our production locations are the fastest in the world with high OEM quality. The large stock of raw material enables us to start the production directly after the drawings are made.

Electric motors:

We are distributor for OME motors in Holland. They are a very large player in the south of Europe and the Middle East. Also here we can supply you with high quality fully Atex certified products. Custom designed or from their standard range.

Lohmann Stolterfoht Couplings:

Parts and complete couplings for the Spiroflex and the Pneumaflex coupling.

But off cource we can supply parts for any type of Rotating Equipment:

  - Gearboxes
  - Turbines
  - Pumps
  - Bearings & Seals
  - Electric motors
  - Couplings